Statistics have shown that fiber optic penetration in Kenya has lees compared to other countries which implies that fiber optic in Kenya is being underutilized. The fiber optic project has a huge potential of transforming the life of Kenya through creation of jobs opportunities if the projects are allowed to reach their potential. This study sought to establish how stakeholders participation influenced fiber projects completion in Kenya. The study analysed stakeholder participation during project identification, planning, supplier selection, financing, and influence on completion of fiber projects in Kenya. Because of the nature of the study, descriptive design was appropriate and the population included 465 projects managers working at the seven firms that provide fiber optic in the country chosen for this study due to their strategic positioning in the companies. Since the study population was small, the study opted for census of the entire population as the study sample. The study used quantitative data collected using a questionnaire captured through a 5-point Likert scale type. The results of this study indicated that stakeholder participation in project identification, planning, supplier selection and financing had a positive and significant influence on completion fiber projects in Kenya. The study concluded that fiber optics providers in Kenya that carried out stakeholders’ participation during fiber projects identification, planning, supplier selection and financing reduced cost and time overruns and generally reduce the time of completion of their projects. The study recommends that fiber optics provider in Kenya should ensure that all the project managers are enlightened on the benefits of stakeholder participation during project identification, planning, supplier selection and financing
Keywords: Stakeholders, Project Identification, Planning, Financing, Fiber Projects